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Filled and Overflowing!
Listen to Jonathan Explain How You Can Be Filled Up with God 

We all want to be filled up with God and overflow with his life to bless others. But how? Is it a special one-time experience? Is it something only for elite Christians, or is it something for all God’s people?


Listen to Jonathan as he guides you through one of the most majestic prayers of Scripture—Ephesians 3:14-21. Learn how Paul prayed for believers in his day to be filled up with God and how you can be filled up and overflow!

                                                     Note: each message is about 15 minutes

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Message 1 - The Prayer That Almost Did Not Get Prayed


Paul started to pray in Ephesians

3:1 but got sidetracked on other issues. When he finally returned to his prayer in 3:14, he offered a majestic prayer for us all!

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Message 2 - The Four Things Paul Prayed


Paul prayed for four things in Ephesians 3:14-21. Learn these four requests and how they build to becoming filled up with God's love.

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Message 4 - Pray for Christ to Dwell in Your Hearts By Faith

When we come to Christ, we get "all of God." But how do we experience God's fullness in every part of our lives?
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Message 5 - Be Rooted and Grounded in Love

Paul uses an illustration from the farming world and from the building world to show us that we must go deep into God's
love for us.
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Message 3 - Pray for Strength for Your Inner Man


To be filled up with God, we must all have our "inner man" cleansed and strengthened. Learn what this means for every child of God.

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Message 6 - You Can Be Filled Up With God

Your background, identity, failures and weaknesses do not matter. You can be filled up with God if you will follow
this prayer!
Receive your copy of Filled and Overflowing and learn how to pray like Paul. Click here to order your copy now.
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