What if someone asked you to help people understand the gospel, and they did not know how to read or write? What would you do?
You would use our storytelling program
~ The 6 Cs of God's Story for the World ~
1 Story - in 6 Parts - with 23 Stories
that Explain the 6 Parts of the 1 Story!
Introduction - 3 stories about Jesus and how he replaces guilt with forgiveness, shame with honor, and fear with peace.
Creation - 3 stories showing God's purpose for mankind.
Catastrophe - 2 stories showing how mankind is lost.
Covenants - 4 stories about God's promises to restore the lost.
Christ - 8 stories that show that Christ is the one who restores.
Commission -2 stories to inspire the learner to tell others
Consummation - 1 story that Jesus will come again.
Watch this video and see how it works!